V2X OBU is the key part of vehicle network and autonomous driving. V2X can solve the problem of information perception of vehicles beyond visual range and blind spot. Through the information exchange between the vehicle and the outside world, it can effectively enhance the driving safety, improve the traffic efficiency and driving experience.


Strong Extensibility
Support CAN, vehicle Ethernet, RJ45, such as Fl, LTE, USB and other interfaces

Further Range
Communication distance within the line of sight can reach up to 1km

Real-time Communication
Information loss rate <(1%;

Real-time Communication
Communication delay <(20ms
Operating Voltage9V ~ 36V
Protection grade2A@12V MAX
Operating Temperature-40~85°C
CAN3 high-speed CAN, 1 low-speed CAN
Positioning AccuracyOrdinary positioning <2.5m CEP-50, support high-position RTK positioning
ProcessorConfiguration: 4 Cortex-A35, main frequency: 1.2 GHz, 264 Mz
IP RailingIP 50
USBCan be used for USB communication with the central control
Back Up Battery500mAh/3 cells, ECALL function back up power

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